Maggie is holding a Southern Haiku Contest to give away the 2nd of 5 autographed copies of Mudbound by Hillary Jordan. She really makes you work to win a book! :) Create a 17 syllable Haiku that reflects one of the southern books you are reading this summer. For simplicity, use the 5-7-5 format, as in 5 syllables for the first line, 7 syllables for the second, and 5 for the ending.
I am currently about 1/3 of the way through Mother of Pearl by Melinda Haynes, and this is my attempt at haiku!
Best of childhood friends
Were Valuable and Jackson
Close as bro and sis
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Southern Haiku
Posted by Laura at 8:15 PM 7 comments
Booking Through Thursday
Suggested by: Thisisnotabookclub
What is reading, anyway? Novels, comics, graphic novels, manga, e-books, audiobooks — which of these is reading these days? Are they all reading? Only some of them? What are your personal qualifications for something to be “reading” — why? If something isn’t reading, why not? Does it matter? Does it impact your desire to sample a source if you find out a premise you liked the sound of is in a format you don’t consider to be reading? Share your personal definition of reading, and how you came to have that stance.
I realize this might sound a little out there out there to some people, but I had to mention that class after seeing this week's question!
Posted by Laura at 7:19 PM 2 comments
Labels: BTT
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Classics Challenge 2008
Trish of Trish's Reading Nook is hosting the Classics Challenge 2008. The challenge runs from July-December 2008.
Classics: We love them, we hate them, now we are going to challenge ourselves to reading more of them. Because there are so many different types of classics, different genres are acceptable and encouraged--for example, novels, short story collections, non-fiction, poetry, essays--I'm open for other suggestions!
OPTION 1: Read FIVE classics.
OPTION 2: Read FIVE classics from at least THREE different countries
OPTION 3: Read FIVE classics with any combination of at least THREE different countries and TWO different genres (see above for genres).
Trish has added a little twist...participants must read five books (as defined in the options above), and a sixth title which will be a "modern classic" chosen from a participant's list of suggestions. There are a ton of great suggestions listed on the challenge blog! To join the fun, click here!
My list (which is by no means set in stone at this point!):
1. David Copperfield--Charles Dickens
2. Mrs. Dalloway--Virginia Woolf
3. Persuasion--Jane Austen
4. The Scarlet Pimpernel--Emmuska Orczy
5. Uncle Tom's Cabin--Harriet Beecher Stowe
Bonus--The Known World--Edward P. Jones
Posted by Laura at 11:43 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The story ends with a giant question mark, which tends to bother me. It makes me feel better when all the loose ends are tied up in a pretty little bow. However, such a thought-provoking book must end in a way to keep the reader pondering. I know this story will stay with me for quite some time. I definitely will be picking up other Atwood books!
Posted by Laura at 7:54 PM 8 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Seriously...the last one
Posted by Laura at 7:00 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Classics Meme
In preparation for her Classics Challenge 2008, Trish has started a classics meme. What better way to start thinking about great literature?
1. My favorite classic is either Little Women or Great Expectations. I have read both several times, and have loved them more with each read. I have read a couple of other books by Louisa May Alcott (Eight Cousins, An Old-Fashioned Girl), and I'm planning to read Dickens' David Copperfield for the challenge.
2. The classic I had the toughest time finishing is The Iliad. This was a required book for my high school English class, and I had to buy Cliff's Notes for the first time to help me get through it.
3. I would recommend The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer to someone who doesn't read a lot of classics or who doesn't generally like classics because neither one is super long, and they are fun and you don't need sparknotes or other reference materials to understand the books.
4. To me, a classic book is a book that can be appreciated many years down the road and by many different types of people.
5. The type of relationship I have with classics is I am somewhat intimidated. I've read many classics throughout high school and college, but very few since then. I usually enjoy them, and after reading them, I totally understand why they are considered a "classic." However, the thought of picking one up just for fun tends to scare me a bit. That is what makes signing up for Trish's challenge such a good idea!
What are your thoughts on classics?
Posted by Laura at 6:37 PM 4 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The name of my homeplace and a giveaway!
Posted by Laura at 11:37 PM 11 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
random Friday thoughts about cats
Disclaimer: After reading this, you might think I'm crazy. You might not be completely off base in thinking this.
What is it about booklovers and cats? I have always liked cats (well, most of them), and it is slightly humorous to see how many other people out there who love reading also love cats! Maybe it is because there is nothing more enjoyable than curling up with a good book with a soft purring cat cuddled up next to you. I know there are lots of dog lovers out there as well who enjoy reading as well, but maybe I've noticed the cat people more because though I just like animals in general, cats have a special place in my heart.
Isn't it cool how cats can sit in a certain way so it looks like they have absolutely no feet or tail? They just tuck everything under their bodies somehow--I kinda wish I could sit like that. Here's a picture in case you have no earthly idea what I'm talking about.
Though I only have one cat, I could definitely become a "crazy cat lady." My husband and I have spent quite a bit of time apart, due to the line of work he is in, and sometimes I think that if I didn't have Pumpkin, my life would be much more bland. I love that she is all excited to see me when I come home from work. She is always waiting at the door, and she immediately starts purring before I even pet her.
My mom coined the term "furry purry" when I was in middle school, and I think that is just such a great name for nice cats. More recently, I've heard pets referred to as "fur babies" and that is never NOT funny to me. Even when I was typing it, I giggled just a little.
Even though it can be annoying, frequently at about 3am, I am awakened by Pumpkin sitting with her face approximately 1 inch from mine, purring and meowing because she wants attention. After a few pats, she usually will lie back down and go to sleep, but sometimes, she will do the same thing about 1 hour later.
Ok...I think that's about it for now. I'm off to read some more of The Handmaid's Tale, and I'm sure it is only a matter of time before my furry purry is in my lap, trying to sneak some popcorn.
Posted by Laura at 10:09 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
In The Devil in the White City, Erik Larson weaves a mesmerizing tale around happenings of Chicago in the 1890s. The design and construction of the infamous World's Fair take center stage in the book, but at the time of all the exciting activities surrounding the fair, an extremely crafty serial killer takes many lives.
In DITWC, the reader not only learns about the massive amount of planning, money, and sheer determination it took to build the Fair, but also comes to know the men who dedicated years of their lives to the undertaking. Daniel H. Burnham was the man basically in charge of the entire campaign. His skills, vision and charisma were the driving forces behind accomplishing the seemingly impossible task of constructing the entire Fair in approximately two years. Frederick L. Olmsted was the landscape architect who oversaw the entire grounds of the Fair. Considering the fact that before construction began, the fair grounds consisted of desolate ground and little to no trees or greenery, his work was nothing short of amazing.
At the same time the leading men in the architectural and engineering fields in America were putting their heads together to figure out how to best Paris's Exposition, a young doctor known as H. H. Holmes began building his "castle" to suit his very specific needs. He was a person who seemed personable, sincere and caring to those who he came in contact with. However, there were several people who felt uneasy when he was near--and for a very good reason! He was an extremely sneaky and evil man, with absolutely no moral compass, who derived pleasure from being deceitful, having complete control over others, and ultimately--killing. What is so surprising is how long he got away with his many crimes.
DITWC not only gives the history of the World's Fair, and one of the first known serial killers in America, but also gives the reader a glimpse into many other huge historical events at the turn of the 19th century. Labor unions start to play a large role in the work force, and major leaders of the movement, such as Samual Gompers, begin to make a name for themselves. Women were beginning to fight for the rights to be heard and the ability to vote--Jane Addams and Susan B. Anthony were both attendees of the Fair. Many inventions make their debut around this time, some of them actually at the Fair--Shredded Wheat, the telephone, the zipper, and boxed pancake mix are just a few. So many interesting things are all happening during this time, and Larson found a way to include so many of them in this one book.
My thoughts--I found Devil in the White City to be a highly engrossing book. I cannot imagine the amount of time Erik Larson spent doing research. He mentions in his notes at the end of his book, that he did not hire any researchers or use the internet, but instead went to libraries and archives to find his information. I think what makes this particular book so great is the fact that Larson himself was so interested in the subject matter. He states, "The juxtaposition of pride and unfathomed evil struck me as offering powerful insights into the nature of men and their ambition (393). One can easily see how man's ambitions and desires can take two opposite paths. Burnham is remembered in history a the man who would not give up and made Chicago one of the greatest cities in America. H. H. Holmes's (Mudgett) is compared to Jack the Ripper and known as a psycopathic serial killer. I don't understand why people trusted him so much. Young women had no fear of spending much of their time with him in his strange, dark castle. I understand that times have changed, but especially since disappearances were a fairly regular occurance then, it seems that single women living on their own would have been more cautious.
In talking with others and reading reviews, I have found that many people were somewhat bogged down by all the description of the politics and construction during the Fair. Though the writing about the architectural processes is pretty detailed, I found it to be extremely interesting. It took me a few chapters to get into the swing of the writing, and I was forced to slow down and really pay attention, but I truly enjoyed all aspects of the book--the history, the character development, the statistics, the descriptions, the pictures (though I wish there would have been a few more), and the author's notes. (I think it probably helps that my husband works in construction management, so I have gained an appreciation for all the work that goes into a building.) I would have to agree with the review from Elle "The combination of the birth of Chicago as a world-class city, the magic of the Fair, and the creepy serial killer makes for a compelling read."
Date completed: May 14, 2008
# of pages: 396
4.5/5 stars
Joy and raidergirl3 have also reviewed this book. If you've read and reviewed DITWC, please let me know, and I'll happily add your link!
Posted by Laura at 7:38 PM 9 comments
Labels: non-fiction
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Weekly Geeks #3--Childhood Books

E.B. White was a favorite author of mine, but the best book in my opinion, is not Charlotte's Web, or Stuart Little. The Trumpet of the Swan doesn't get enough attention! It is a story of a swan named Louis who does not have a voice, so he learns to play the trumpet in order to communicate. It really is a great book, and it seems that many who have read or seen the movies of the other two books have never heard of this one. I would highly recommend it!
Lastly, I'll just list other favorites--Calico Captive by Elizabeth George Speare (a young girl is kidnapped by Indians in 1754); The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi ("A spellbinding tale of intrigue and murder on the high seas"). Sarah Bishop by Scott O'Dell (15-year old Sarah survives alone during the Revolutionary War).
I could go on for quite a while. Digging out my childhood books makes me want to sit down and read some of them right now! I wish I had as much time to read now as I used to. I also don't find myself getting lost in the stories as much as when I was younger. Ahhh...growing up is so hard to do...
Posted by Laura at 10:08 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 more!
Debi of Journey to the End of the TBR Pile is hosting a fun challenge that I could not resist--The Chick Lit Challenge.
The rules:
Read at least 3 chick lit books. (Chick lit - as defined by Wikipedia: us what you thought of what you read.Dates for this challenge are June 1 to September 1.Books can overlap with other challenges. Your list can change as needed. I will also leave it to your discretion as to whether a book is considered chick lit or not.
Since I have a month before this starts, and I don't read very much chick lit, I want to gather some recommendations before I make my list. I've seen some good reviews over the past month, so I'll just have to pick 3 interesting/fun ones.
Posted by Laura at 9:50 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
I'm Up for the Challenge(s)...I think
Since I've only joined 2 challenges since I started blogging a month ago, I realize this is an unacceptably low number. Though I'm a little nervous that I'll be in over my head, I've decided to join not one, not two, but three more!
Maggie from Maggie Reads is hosting The Southern Reading Challenge.
The rules are easy: 3 Southern Setting Books by Southern Authors in 3 Months beginning May 15 through August 15!
My choices are:
1. Mother of Pearl by Melinda Haynes
2. Mudbound by Hillary Jordan
3. Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie FlaggMichelle from 1 More Chapter is hosting the 1% Well-Read Challenge.
The goal of this challenge is to read 10 books in 10 months from the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die list. For you non-math people, 10 out of 1001 is approximately 1%, hence the title. The challenge will run from May 1, 2008 through February 28, 2009.
You may change your list at any time and cross-posting to other challenges is permitted. The only requirement is that your ten book choices must be on the ‘1001 List‘. Another helpful tool is an Excel spreadsheet by Arukiyoma that is found here.
While my choices are not set in stone, here is a rough list of what I think I will read:
1. Mrs. Dalloway-Virginia Woolf
2. Agnes Grey-Anne Bronte
3. David Copperfield-Charles Dickens
4. Uncle Tom's Cabin-Harriet Beecher Stowe
5. The Time Machine-H.G. Wells
6. The Curious Incident of the Dog in Night-Time-Mark Haddon
7. The Poisonwood Bible-Barbara Kingsolver
8. Rebecca-Daphne du Maurier
9. The Handmaid's Tale-Margaret Atwood
10. Cannery Row-John SteinbeckTrish at Trish's Reading Nook is hosting the Classics Challenge 2008 that will run from July 1- December 31, 2008. There are three different options for this challenge:
OPTION 1: Read FIVE classics.
OPTION 2: Read FIVE classics from at least THREE different countries
OPTION 3: Read FIVE classics with any combination of at least THREE different countries and TWO different genres (see above for genres).
Trish has added a little twist...participants must read five books (as defined in the options above), and a sixth title which will be a "modern classic" chosen from a participant's list of suggestions.
In early June, Trish will have a Mr. Linky to sign up for the challenge officially. I for sure am going to participate in this challenge, but I haven't finalized my list yet.
Whew! I have a TON of reading to get started on! I think I'm going to need to start visiting the library more frequently than the bookstore, or else I will need to buy a new bookshelf! I'm off to read!
Posted by Laura at 9:19 PM 4 comments
A baby and a meme
On a different note, thisredheadreads tagged me for the Six Things About Me meme, so here we go:
1. As mentioned above, I have the cutest nephew ever (see picture above), and even though my husband and I do not yet have children, seeing him made me kinda want one.
2. I call my husband and cat by the same nickname. My husband also calls me by the same nickname. I'm not sure why or how that got started.
3. I'm a lefty--but only for certain tasks. Writing, eating and brushing my teeth are all done with my left hand. Using scissors, serving a volleyball, and anything else sports related is done with my right hand.
4. My Mom used to read to me and my siblings when we were growing up, and ever since the Little House on the Prairie series, I've been deathly afraid of wolves--even now.
5. I have lived in Texas my entire life. Yee haw!
6. I changed my major three times in college--from business to pre-pharmacy to English lit. I just have a general interest in so many different areas!
Posted by Laura at 8:23 PM 2 comments
I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley
Sloane Crosley is a "twenty-something" New Yorker whose collection of 15 essays are humorous, clever, and easy to relate to. From stories of being locked out of her apartment in New York on moving day to becoming the maid of honor to a childhood friend she hasn't seen in a decade, Crosley shares her stories in a unique way.
I read this book during a weekend of travelling, since I knew it would be easy to start and stop, and wouldn't require too much concentration. Some of the essays were enjoyable, funny, and I could picture myself in the same situation, or reacting in the same way (i.e. The Pony Problem). However, there were others that were a bit annoying to me, simply because my thoughts are on a completely different wavelength on that particular subject (i.e. One-Night Bounce). Also, I found it a bit difficult to read the essays one after another. I think I can only take so much sarcasm and cleverness at a time. This book would be a great one to have on hand to bring to a doctor's office or to get an oil change-reading an essay here and there to really appreciate the humor. There were times I had to show my sister (and travelling companion) particularly funny passages, and she laughed along with me even though she didn't know the story. Overall, I think this book will be a hit or miss--some people will see themselves in the stories and really enjoy them, whereas others could be a little annoyed.
Date Completed: May 5, 2008
# of pages: 228
Posted by Laura at 5:46 PM 4 comments