Monday, May 19, 2008

Seriously...the last one

So I've decided to join one more challenge. This has to be the last one I join until I finish one! Becky is hosting The End of the World Challenge, and I could not resist, because the books I've read before in this category have been thought provoking and memorable, so I want to read more! Plus, the book I'm currently reading for another challenge fits in perfectly with this one too! (Thanks, Trish, for pointing that out!) These are the rules:

Read at least three books about "the end of the world." This includes both apocalyptic fiction and post-apocalyptic fiction. There is some overlap with dystopic fiction as well. The point being something--be it coming from within or without, natural or unnatural--has changed civilization, society, humanity to such a degree that it radically differs from "life as we know it." (Aliens, evil governments, war, plague, natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes, depletion of resources, genetic manipulation, etc.) Here is a wikipedia article on the subject. Also see here.

My list:

1. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

2. 1984 by George Orwell

3. The Road by Cormac McCarthy


Stephanie said...

Great list!! I loved A Handmaid's Tale. Scary. And The Road is on my list too.

Yeah...good luck with not joining any more challenges. I'm failing miserably at it!!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!!! I started feeling really bad last night with all my challenge talk and pressure and you wanting to read other books that aren't challenge books. I promise--no more pressure. :) For a while anyway.

Bookfool said...

I completely forgot Handmaid's Tale is dystopian. Thanks for the reminder. Unfortunately, I know where my copy is located and I can't get to it. Darn.

1984 is an old favorite of mine, creepy as it may be. I read it before 1984. That alone makes my skin crawl (in an ugh, I'm getting so old way)